Early Phase Orthodontic Treatment
in Littleton, CO

When children still have their baby teeth, they may show signs of needing early orthodontic interventions. Whether extra teeth, crowded teeth, or excessively spaced, early phase orthodontics may help prevent more extensive dental treatments later in life.

At Summit Family Orthodontics, Dr. Mian and our team can determine if your child needs early orthodontic treatment. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our options for early phase orthodontics in Littleton, CO!

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girl with magnifying glass

When should my child have an orthodontic evaluation?

The American Association of Orthodontists and our team recommend children should see an orthodontist by age 7. At Summit Family Orthodontics, we have found that most children are not in need of treatment at this time, but if a child does need treatment, the benefits can be significant. Tracking the development of your child’s teeth is key in correcting their teeth’s position and development, which has a big impact on their oral and overall health.

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The Goal of Early Phase Orthodontics

Early phase orthodontics can help your child achieve an optimal, functional, and aesthetically pleasing alignment of the jaw and teeth. Though your child will undergo an evaluation for orthodontics, treatment is not always guaranteed. In other cases, orthodontic expanders to widen a child’s upper jaw while it is still developing, or space maintainers may be recommended to prepare your child for efficient and comfortable orthodontic treatment.

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What causes orthodontic problems?

Most of the time, orthodontic problems like crowded teeth, excessive space, jaw growth problems, or bad bites can be inherited or caused by injury, late loss of teeth, or poor oral habits. Taking the time to schedule an early phase appointment or orthodontic evaluation can help you and your child prepare for orthodontic treatment. Receiving orthodontic treatment as a child can help prevent the need for treatment as a teen or adult, resulting in optimal oral health as they learn and establish optimal oral habits.

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