Taryn’s Thoughts: Post 1

December 7, 2018 8:28 pm
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get braces? Does it hurt? What’s the process like? What can I eat? We will be following Taryn, our braces giveaway winner, on her journey to receiving the perfect smile. We will share posts written by Taryn discussing her thoughts, feelings and perspective as she goes through treatment. Below are her first 2 entries.

Nov 5th – I Won!

Taryn, braces winnerIt started out like any other Monday would at the preschool. We had all the kids zipped up in jackets and went outside. My boss came walking out the door and seemed a tad bit “off.” I walked over to ask her what was going on but she just gave me a big smile and asked how I was doing. I didn’t think much about it until I saw the balloons. Then I saw Shirley, whom I had my consultation done with, and I began to piece together what was happening. I was so overwhelmed with emotions thinking that my childhood dream was about to come true that I began to cry. I couldn’t be more grateful. I told my co-teacher later that day that it felt like a dream. I was finally getting braces!

Nov 14th – Getting Braces!

Today was the day I got braces! All week leading up to my appointment, I had butterflies in my stomach. I wasn’t nervous for the braces to be put on, instead, my nerves were about how many things in my life would change during the process and afterward. The moment that I walked into the office all the butterflies turned to pure excitement. I immediately felt at home when I heard, “Hi Taryn! How are you?” Everybody in the office is so friendly, and always smiling. Brooke, the assistant who helped place my brackets, brought me to my chair. The process was a breeze and during the whole thing, I was very comfortable. Dr. Allen and Brooke both talked me through what they were doing while placing the brackets. I got to choose the colors for my elastics, and then it was over. I had braces! I went over to the mirror to look and I’m pretty sure I didn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day! dr. Jack Allen, orthodontist

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